Thursday, January 15, 2015

Briefing a presentation, Webcast or a Seminar shortly and effectively

Anything which is long and complex needs to be simplified for better understanding. There are three major reasons in sorting down a long seminar, presentation or webcast into a summary:-

1. Cut down the original time to grasp topic
2. Narrow down important things for your audience
3. Easy to remember for future reference

So, this article is an attempt to work out a template to simplify a long seminar. These steps are applicable to most of seminars:-  ( Seminar refers to one way communication in this article)

Step 1

Capture the interests of audience for seminar, the purpose to go through seminar and interest in the same. So with a heading " Background of Seminar "- try to capture relevancy of seminar to target audience

Step 2

Note down the key note speakers, their designation and role

Step 3

Note down key points against each speaker. This is more to give tactical opinions of each keynote speaker( It should not be more than 2-3 points per speaker)

Step 4

Present a paragraph rephrasing the key topic or central point of entire seminar. This is to present a strategic view point and way forward

Step 5
Follow up or actions need to be taken by a participant

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